Welcome bee lovers. Soon you will be able to buy my beautiful hand made photo notecards featuring my apicentric photography.

I will provide three different lines:

My signature A line – hand made cards that are signed. Usually only availavble in person at art shows, I will make these available online in time.

My B(ee) line – the same hand made cards, just not signed. But only as I can produce them, not on demand. These will be availabe on my eBay site shortly. I will also have some additional items on offer, like magnets and buttons. Coming soon.

My print on demand line – still being developed. Here’s a sample image a friend just custom ordered that is now selling like hot cakes.

All of my images are 100% organic, produced the old-fashioned way, with absolutely NO AI. I only do the lightest of edits, mostly cropping or a little light balancing and color adjustment using Adobe Lightroom only.

Photo showing several upturned deep pink petunias backlit by the afternoon sun against a blue sky with broken clouds. Jan Groh 2024. Photograbee.com
Garden Glory 2024 Jan Groh